Why Do I Need Keyword-Rich Pinterest Board Descriptions?

There is a common misconception among business owners that Pinterest board descriptions are for the end-user.

I’ve been on Pinterest since its inception. As an everyday user, looking for recipes, DIY projects, and problem solutions, I can honestly say that I have NEVER read a board description nor looked at another pinner’s boards as a whole.

So, why do we need to worry about them, you ask? Because the Pinterest algorithm is GOD over the Pinterest world.

Think of your board descriptions as a clear road map to your content. Think of the algorithm as a ton of missile guided lasers. Each time a user fills out the search bar and hits enter, those lasers fire out and scan the platform in search of pins that provide the absolute best results to enhance user experience and to provide solutions a.k.a pins. We place pins on particular boards under particular categories so that pins can be categorized effectively by the algorithm. If your board descriptions do not clearly express what kind of pins can be found under that board, the laser has a harder time finding your content and will move on to better sources.

If your pins aren’t getting distribution on the platform, this could be the issue.

But wait! There’s more! Let’s tackle keyword-rich board descriptions!

What are KEYWORD-RICH DESCRIPTIONS and why do I need them?

Keyword-rich descriptions will make your board that much more visible to the algorithm. Remember those pesky lasers I mentioned above? Yes, those lasers use your board descriptions to further categorize your content.

Let’s look at an example. I’m on Pinterest because I’m in search of gluten-free one pan dinner recipes. I type that into the search bar and the results load. I see a ton of recipes that meet the exact criteria of my search. These pins are shown to me because these are the recipe bloggers that gave the clearest map to their pins by writing key-word rich descriptions for not only their pins but to the boards these pins live on.

Not only did their pin description speak to the recipe being a gluten-free dinner recipe but it likely came from a board titled Gluten-Free Dinner Recipes and the board descriptions mention the keywords “gluten-free”, “one-pan”, and “dinner recipes”.

Well, that’s great and all but how do I know if my descriptions are keyword-rich?

Take a look at the image above. I searched for “one pan dinner recipes”. The drop-down that appears are the most common search phrases for my specific search.

These are your keyword pairings to use in when writing your pin descriptions and board desctiptions.

The top 4 are the most searched for relative to the recipe solutions I am looking for.

You can also search for the most popular search phrases by hitting enter after you’ve typed in the search bar.

SEARCH BUBBLES are Your New Bestie when it comes to determining what Search Phrases will make your descriptions KEYWORD-RICH!

In the image to the right, you will notice the colorful word bubbles that appear below the search bar, right above your search results. From left to right, these are the additional terms that are searched most commonly when searching for “one pan dinner recipes”.

But, how does this apply to my business or blog?

When writing your board and pin descriptions, you will want to do your own search on the topic of your post.

If you are a food blogger that has a brand-spankin’ new recipe for Healthy One Pan Salmon and Veggies. You’ve also created a new board for Easy One Pan Dinner Recipes. Great Job!

Now, you will want to search for your recipe title and some variations to ascertain the most popular search phrases to add to your descriptions. Because NOW YOU KNOW that providing a clear map for the lasers to find your content is the best way to get more eyes on that delicious new recipe and board of yours!

If I was writing keyword-rich descriptions for this amazing new recipe, here are list of I’ve generated from my keyword research I did earlier:

  • one pan dinner recipes
  • healthy one pan dinner recipes
  • one pan dinner recipes for family
  • easy one pan dinner recipes
  • one pan main dishes
  • quick and easy one pan dinner recipes

You dont have to use them all but my goal was to show you how many phrases I can pull from the two images that will yield better results.

And by Better Results, I’m talking about Distribution into User Feeds and Search Results that TRANSLATES into traffic to your website!

This holds true for every niche, not just food blogging. But I tend to use food blogging to demonstrate functionality on the platform. No wonder, I’m hungry now!

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